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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Stories of Long Life

Jesolon :They sold the tomb for 70,000 so they transfered Karbhak the husband of Asti to a new cemetery
Mavina:What happened?
Jesolon: The new tomb is more than Php140,000 and Asti thought she want her share from Php 70,000 when the expenses have doubled and still not enough!
Mavina: Dead people have house and lot while the living sometimes dont.
Jesolon:Nov 1 every Nov 1 is All saints day. Breath analyzer for  all drivers is a must!
Nov 2 Every Nov 2 is All Souls Day, a time to do competitive workout.
The month of November is diseases like Cough, X feelings in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, headache ,allergies that causes sneezing and  cough and also many deadly viral diseases.
Nov 3 is Monday where social network have strong public info. People will come to get financial favor.
Nov 4 is competitive like Nov 3.Only anger level for hypertensive people is high but with same amount of Love.
Nov 5 most people have huge amount of money because many are hoarding coins hidden in their secret weighing scales and only 1000,500 are available around. But gasoline stations may be short of coins and change but not the Taiwanese traders.
Nov 6 is Thursday  2014 it is better to get ready to cope with business and employment . Income and management and to fight criminality
Nov 7 is about yawning and tarot readings. A reinforcement to  any groups to regroup ork collectively for the welfare of all.
Nov 8 Most ads on AM FM radio are all about supplements, herbal cures, but all don’t have therapeutic claim. People ain't satisfied with Vitamins and Mineral from A to Zinc ,so they have resveratrol,diabetrol  and other chemicals that will cure them or make them younger or have a long life ! Stories of long life are 1. There was a 2000 years old man unusual body , with glowing bright eyes and luminaries and and he live that long just to wait for his master to have human form then after seeing his master get physical contact  , he disintegrated. 2. In India during Kumbh  Melah Festival  there was a 300 year old man . 3. Those stories in the bible with 900-to 1000 years old. 4.Some few centenarians 5. Now it is possible to live 120 years old beyond that is difficult if not possible. Many therapy to cure cancer, more vaccines to cure or prevent different ,new viral infections. The term virus is wrong it should be microvita  other renaissance scientists. Nowadays chemicals makes natural ,unnatural and artificial. Toxins are mixed in some plastic containers, radiation on food. virus on air. Basically earth wind water fire are becoming contaminated if not with radiation , with toxins. The human mouth  and digestive system is designed for herbivores, but  now  so called normal people chose to become omnivores . As a result a slow degradation on their internal organs later a multiorgan malfunction , multi infection and spreading its complications . The war on saturated fats and cholesterols is not yet covered in all major News Channel ,vigilant and rallyist don’t  opposed them yet vocally nor publicly ! Poisoning is rampant nowadays, too much salt, too much sugar on food, too much carbs ,too much protein , alcohol ,drugs just to satisfy the senses.  More teens post suicidal quotes on fb , they now have their own scriptures and philosophy to live by! They believe in song lyrics than in the bible. When in fact most ideas are just copied from the original scriptures( i.e., Bible,Vedas etc)  . Even the original bible is now contaminated with modern translations and the original is forgotten. They have forgotten and changed historical figures  . And  now they have replaced them with modern names of politicians and statues of  evil leaders. But the good news is the scientific thinking!  Those influences and beliefs and ideas can now be categorized with ancient sages theory of Microvita!There are 7 major positive microvita and 10 major negative microvita!Therefore it is now possible to  counteract the negative microvita with positive microvita!When people are consuming meat , it can cause them to develop the ideology of communism and capitalism which is depriving others of their due.A form of  stealing , when a rich man is seeing his poor neighbor in poverty  and lacking of basic needs while he or she have plenty of food on the fridge and dining table  , lots of money on his bank accounts and having fun with so many channels on TV and so many chatmate ,call and textmate online. While others are dying and turns to criminality , spreading drugs and violence on jungles and cities. Seeing these happening more authorities just utilize criminalities rather than preventing them like the addiction on gambling,drugs, illegal terminals,casinos etc. Now they earn from these black market, from the labor of these criminals via kidnapping,drugs and while others find a new way to earn by  overpricing,  mining, softwares , profits on import and exports,autos that causes air pollution ,water pollution etc. When combined it pollutes the human mind! Unlimited mental confusion and complexities can affect the limited capacity of the brain , so it will cause suicidal thoughts.As a result pro fb  posts conflict with each other , diversities of human thoughts manifested in different social media . Games now can violate the laws . Those who kill people in their mind weren't punished.Only those who commit crimes are subject for severe punishment! The death culture of some games are shaping forming the mind to do something!A kind of mental drill ,practices  to become skillfull on war and violence for example. A person in his right mind  will choose the good games only. A game that fights crime and evil .A game that will help to spread love in the society  and educate them to think along nicely. Becoming sport not unsportive. Some sports are self desctructive like basketball, taekwondo ,karate etc they are totally self destructive , also soccer, most ball games are self destructive , why it depends on whose playing the ball! Boxing UFC all can cause pain and considerable damage to the player! It's clashing  everywhere war here and there .When you get out of your comfort zone drivers are rascal, salespersons are lazy , prices hikes, when you go online everyone is concerned of their facelooks not on conducts nor the purity of their hearts and mind! Ads are all magical their ads are economic,the cure ,the solution etc but in reality  it's just the ads !
Mavina:Those people you mentioned with long life do they have birth certificate?
Jesolon : There was none!

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